Talisman as celebration of ancestral untold stories are medicine for grief, anxiety, depression, and despair.
As a Lenape and African American woman I see the current patriarchal system of greed and separation at the root of what hampers our ability to have fulfilling lives. Nature is the perfect healer.

Iridescent Moon
Iridescent Moon is the persona I received as a Galactic Rainbow Shaman initiate.
As a silver lining sentinel, I help as many people as possible see their personal silver linings by falling in love with nature.
Transformation and Manifestation
I am Iridescent Moon, a Silver Lining Sentinel on a mission to share what I have learned about the power of nature to acknowledge loss, sooth grief, quiet fear, and nurture the seed of peace, love, and optimism; a process of transformation and manifestation. I’ve lost innocence, relationships, jobs, titles, property, and in the COVID-19 pandemic, a life style. As a collective, we experienced loss due to climate change, racial injustice, sexism, ageism, and disease. Cultivating an intimate relationship with nature elements is powerful medicine you don't need a prescription for and access is as close as your own breath.
When you speak with the wind, smiling with your face to the sky, your friends might think you've lost your mind, but you won't care because cultivating intimate relationships with nature elements is a great love affair. And when you're in love you see all the silver linings. Let's select a silver lining coaching plan that fits.
Fire My earliest memory of a significant encounter with an earth element is nearly too painful to retell through the About section of a website. Suffice it to say that at six years old, a lit match pressed to the back of my hand by a joke-telling older school mate set the tone for a life-time of practicing forgiveness as medicine.
The second encounter was with wind. I tried to revive him, but the air I filled his lungs with, returned to me changed the way the mail does, mysteriously crumpled and smudged returns to sender from the wrong address ― processed but not in the way intended. Somewhere between midnight and dawn, my father, the man who taught me the beauty of silence, and the joy in music; the man who used to give me what remains my biggest thrill - tossing me up into the air and catching me over head, suffered heart failure and died while getting into bed.
I left the house to sink my inner darkness beneath the cover of night. I stood alone, in shock. And then suddenly the wind came and spoke to me. “Life comes and goes with the wind," she said in a language only my heart and gut could translate. "The wind comes and goes with life. And yet life and wind are eternal," she blew through the leaves. And as she tossed them about they laughed the way I used to high up in the air above my father 's head.
When my marketing career ended, the ocean organized content for my next career as a manifestation coach. "Six Steps," she crashed against the shore. "Create Your Dream Life in 6 Steps or Less. Write and publish the content to help others jump the waves and make a splash in the ocean of their life experience."
Mark and I vacationed in Cancun, Mexico and the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. We were arranging to make these two places our permanent addresses. Under April's full pink moon we joyfully discussed our plans. But he only saw one more sunrise. Suddenly, he was gone along with our plans for a 3D future together. And while he transitioned, a blanket of Forget Me Nots called out to me from the garden. So perfect in their blueness, tiny faces open to the sky; I could not deny their sweet yet powerful suggestion to remember what Mother Wind taught me decades before.
When I lost Mark, I lost just about everything. Our apartment. Our neighborhood. Our furniture. Clothes. Dishes. Stuff. I moved in with my children for a few months and then, I lost this comfort as well. Spaciousness scooped me up and pushed me to rekindle an intimate relationship with self. There was room in my life to help other people. There was space to reinvent myself.

Ancestral Protection Bracelet

Heart Chakra Bracelets

Dream Talisman

Funeral Talisman Veil